Yay! Semester's out and holidays are IN! *jumps around in frenzy* I know what ALL OF US would like... snugging comfortably in our beds for hours and hours. A lot of us have toiled for this term and sleep is scarce. So, tunggu apo lagi? Tidorlah secukup-cukupnya! *berdengkur*
Okay lah, let's get back to the point.
Now this is an open topic. You are free to voice out in this entry.
How is Graduation Campaign class to you? That's the million-dollar question I wanna know. Good, bad, boring, cheong hei (long-winded), lame, I don't care, etc. You can say anything about GC in this blog. GC okay? Not lecturer or classmate's gossip. LOL We welcome suggestions too. Like LET'S DO CHARITY PROJECT NEXT TERM! or MAKE THE BLOG MULTI-LINGUAL (BM and Chinese)! etc. Just make sure you state who you are, even a nickname will do. Because we don't have 1oo+ Anonymous people going around in college. LOL
Why am I so KEPOH, you ask?
Honestly, I think most of us have put in our best efforts in GC - to sell trees, to help out at food bazaar. And many think that GC is all about earning money and think $$$. Therefore, I'm here to clear the dark clouds hanging above your head and fogging your minds.
Graduation Campaign class is not just about getting money. Yes, we have to give our sweat, our blood to earn for our exhibition. But there are MANY more things we did together. We get to know each other better, we learn to organize events, we show people that BATCH55 ARE A HAPPENING BUNCH OF WACKY DESIGNERS......
But maybe that's what we, the committee, think only, we don't really know how you feel...
So, speak up! Get your fingers typing! (Or if you wanna tell us not in the open, email us lorh or call us...) But I warn you all first ah... NO SWEARING or BAD-MOUTHING... You'll leave a bad image to yourself lo...
Okay, I'm done talking. Hotlines are now opened!
(Now I need to translate this in BM and Chinese.... LOL Anyone can translate into Tamil for me? Hahaha~)
Friday, December 14, 2007
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Groupings for Camp!

Hey everyone,
Here's the final final confirmed-firmed groupings for camp, according to Mr Camp Commandant Wei Peow, so check to see if your name is included. Then you can go and look for your group members to discuss who's going to bring the important things like junk food and mosquito repellent and toilet paper ;)
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Pajama Day!
Panda eyes, blur look and messed up mind. This is what we designers/illustrators/animators have to endure everyday. And so our very own PR came out with.... PAJAMA DAY!
No hassle about how u're gonna look when u get to school because from the moment you wake up, THAT THE 1 MILLION (SMILES) LOOK we're looking for!
KimHui a bit hyper when in pajamas...i wonder y...XD Prolly was bcuz Wani was wearing silk...wakakaka
Oh, that day was also our class mate's, Junn Tseng Bday! So to celebrate with with a big bang, all those who didnt wear their pajamas had to give the bday bog a veli big hug! (Actually is to pose how u slept if JT was the bolster..hehe)
Pose #3! Holy father very daring sia!! We thought we gonna see an act from Romeo n Julliet....XD Now, if only Julie was the Juliet (*Jkjk! Dun hit me =P)
No hassle about how u're gonna look when u get to school because from the moment you wake up, THAT THE 1 MILLION (SMILES) LOOK we're looking for!
Oh, that day was also our class mate's, Junn Tseng Bday! So to celebrate with with a big bang, all those who didnt wear their pajamas had to give the bday bog a veli big hug! (Actually is to pose how u slept if JT was the bolster..hehe)
Thanks for the sponsors!
Friday, December 7, 2007
And we draw the curtain down...
...on 55 WAN SEK Food Bazaar! Whoohoo!
Awesome job, guys... I think we are one of the liveliest food bazaar batch in TOA history... (Haha, spoken with overflowing 'syok sendiri'ness...) Still, job well done. Despite the glitches, hiccups, malfunctions, misunderstandings and many others you name it yourselves. Oh, and the rain.
So those who didn't know how cotton candy was made, or how to use a blender, or how the herbal eggs are cooked, or how mochi looks like, or how the ice-cream uncle/auntie felt when they were ringing bells asking people to buy ice-cream on a cold day...
...well now you know. LOL
So, congratulations! You have one extra skill! (Or extra knowledge!) See, we do learn things in GC class... And THANK YOU to all who made an effort to come extra early to help out at setting up the booth and staying back extra late to help cleaning up the preparation room. Ah, and the human loudspeakers too. LOL. Not forgetting ALL THE SPONSORS for this food bazaar...Thank you very much! Kamsehamnida!
And... *drum rolls* *drum rolls* *drum rolls*
...let's give BIG HUGE THUNDEROUS claps to our F&B manager, MISS MAY WONG HUI SAN!
She's one of the backbones of this food bazaar event for five days. Handling the food and drinks with expert hands... Doing the dirty job of cleaning up pots and pans, containers, etc... And who can forget her calling out to the customers in loud, clear voice... "TAU FOO FAH~~~~!!!"
And honestly, nobody toils as hard as our PRESIDENT for this whole food bazaar event. F&B, Transportation, Delivery Service, Setup, Promoter... You name it and Sam Goh probably has a part in it... So, another big applause to President of Batch 55, MR. SAM GOH SOOK WENG!
But, nothing would have happened if we didn't have help from EVERYONE IN BATCH 55... You stirred, fried, blended, scooped, poured, cut, packed, sprinkled, boiled, rang, jumped, ran, carried, tasted, shouted, waved, laughed and all the little actions that made it possible. So, you all deserve the greatest applause of all~ *CLAPS CLAPS CLAPS*
(Pardon my memory cells if I've forgotten anyone else... hehe)
Okay, now important announcements to make.
Next week's GC class is IMPORTANT! It's when we'll be sharing with you the post-bazaar details...what's our profit, how much more we can go......and CHRISTMAS TREES!!! I hope you haven't forget that next week is the last week to submit in all the money for the 10 trees you've sold... Pass the money to the Treasurer and tell her what you've sold.
Please please check with me your accounts again because there was some exchanging of trees that might have not been recorded down. REFER TO THE LIST BESIDE because we have 100 more trees to sell off.... those who UNTIL NOW have not taken any trees back, please do your part!
-From Chrystal
(To be continued...)
Awesome job, guys... I think we are one of the liveliest food bazaar batch in TOA history... (Haha, spoken with overflowing 'syok sendiri'ness...) Still, job well done. Despite the glitches, hiccups, malfunctions, misunderstandings and many others you name it yourselves. Oh, and the rain.
So those who didn't know how cotton candy was made, or how to use a blender, or how the herbal eggs are cooked, or how mochi looks like, or how the ice-cream uncle/auntie felt when they were ringing bells asking people to buy ice-cream on a cold day...
...well now you know. LOL
So, congratulations! You have one extra skill! (Or extra knowledge!) See, we do learn things in GC class... And THANK YOU to all who made an effort to come extra early to help out at setting up the booth and staying back extra late to help cleaning up the preparation room. Ah, and the human loudspeakers too. LOL. Not forgetting ALL THE SPONSORS for this food bazaar...Thank you very much! Kamsehamnida!
And... *drum rolls* *drum rolls* *drum rolls*
...let's give BIG HUGE THUNDEROUS claps to our F&B manager, MISS MAY WONG HUI SAN!
She's one of the backbones of this food bazaar event for five days. Handling the food and drinks with expert hands... Doing the dirty job of cleaning up pots and pans, containers, etc... And who can forget her calling out to the customers in loud, clear voice... "TAU FOO FAH~~~~!!!"
And honestly, nobody toils as hard as our PRESIDENT for this whole food bazaar event. F&B, Transportation, Delivery Service, Setup, Promoter... You name it and Sam Goh probably has a part in it... So, another big applause to President of Batch 55, MR. SAM GOH SOOK WENG!
But, nothing would have happened if we didn't have help from EVERYONE IN BATCH 55... You stirred, fried, blended, scooped, poured, cut, packed, sprinkled, boiled, rang, jumped, ran, carried, tasted, shouted, waved, laughed and all the little actions that made it possible. So, you all deserve the greatest applause of all~ *CLAPS CLAPS CLAPS*
(Pardon my memory cells if I've forgotten anyone else... hehe)
Okay, now important announcements to make.
Next week's GC class is IMPORTANT! It's when we'll be sharing with you the post-bazaar details...what's our profit, how much more we can go......and CHRISTMAS TREES!!! I hope you haven't forget that next week is the last week to submit in all the money for the 10 trees you've sold... Pass the money to the Treasurer and tell her what you've sold.
Please please check with me your accounts again because there was some exchanging of trees that might have not been recorded down. REFER TO THE LIST BESIDE because we have 100 more trees to sell off.... those who UNTIL NOW have not taken any trees back, please do your part!
-From Chrystal
(To be continued...)
Thursday, December 6, 2007
FoodBazaar 1 (3/12/2007)
Hello hello!!!!!
Hurraay... our food bazaar seems to be quite successful. Thanks to all mates from Batch55! Let's give a clap for all of us!!!!!
Here is the photos taken during the first day of Food Bazaar.

Pretties helping out the morning duties for food bazaar.

Very Happening ahhh

*Lenglui LeeMing with mua chi. The sales boost up!!!

Cute Sasa with the fried stuff.

Hello Minnie!

Serious Fadzil....

OPX: HEY!! COME BUY!!! 'fai fai'!!

Willee the ais blender of the day.

Marcus & Amanda with the ais cream booth.

Okay, this is to entertain. :)

decent lip wei... ??

Wanna know how our food taste like? It's all spelled out on Jeff's face!

Okay, Leong Suan is very creative. -__-
gosh, so many photos. MORE to be upload.
photo and text by abby
Hurraay... our food bazaar seems to be quite successful. Thanks to all mates from Batch55! Let's give a clap for all of us!!!!!
Here is the photos taken during the first day of Food Bazaar.
Pretties helping out the morning duties for food bazaar.
Very Happening ahhh
*Lenglui LeeMing with mua chi. The sales boost up!!!
Cute Sasa with the fried stuff.
Hello Minnie!
Serious Fadzil....
OPX: HEY!! COME BUY!!! 'fai fai'!!
Willee the ais blender of the day.
Marcus & Amanda with the ais cream booth.
Okay, this is to entertain. :)
decent lip wei... ??
Wanna know how our food taste like? It's all spelled out on Jeff's face!
Okay, Leong Suan is very creative. -__-
gosh, so many photos. MORE to be upload.
photo and text by abby
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