Hi people,
It's me again. Your VP, Chrystal.
Perhaps you have been wandering around this blog for days, since last week, to check the latest GC updates. And, of course, in hopes for miracle...that we will extend ALL deadlines to another 4 more weeks. So we can all go without booklets, websites, and portfolios for the exhibition. Just the boxes and Batch 55.
I’m sorry to disappoint, but deadlines stay dead. So it seems like a few people have already shown their disagreement and disappointment. But they’ve chose to stay anonymous, so I’m not sure how to thank them. To those who feel they’re being treated unfairly or disappointment, please contain all the negative ‘chi’…and let me answer your questions without letting my boiling point explode.
As I’ve observed, tight deadline is the main issue that sparks this fiery conversation. Yes, we all have tight deadlines. The reason for the box to be submitted tomorrow is because that we have planned it so from the very beginning after the theme presentation. I’m not sure how to prove it to you that we’ve given the 5 weeks notice in advance in class, but I don’t think that’s the point you want to hear right? We all want to hear things that we want to hear.
Actually here are the reasons why we’ve made the submission of the box tomorrow:
- At least two weeks needed for offset printing of booklets. Need to test print, adjust to the right colours, double check everything. (Btw, printing for booklets needs RM 8000 - colour pages expensive).
- Which means, photography team needs to get photos of the boxes for the booklets a week earlier, so that Art Direction and DTP can arrange them into the booklets and get the Portfolio CD done.
- We have only another 4 weeks to the launching day.
Please do make out some calculations. Let us know if you’ve found way to push the deadlines without getting into the other exhibition processes. We’re more than happy if it could happen.
The change of box is due to the limit of time as well. Boxes are not satisfactory, we know, but with some positive attitude, don’t you want to know how well you can adapt to changes and still do the best you can? No one understands the deadline issue better than TOA students ourselves, isn’t it so? Then, this is already a training ground for us to face real situations.
And yes, we chose to commit to the committee that is voted by majority of the batch. (Didn’t the word ‘committee’ come from the root word ‘commit’?) Thus, we do feel defensive over things that we have poured our time and effort to ensure that our batch stands out and doesn’t get forgotten easily.
You can always come to Sam or me if you really really really can’t reach the datelines. Seriously, do Sam and I look that scary and unapproachable? If yes, then I think I must go for plastic surgery. O_o
We are all one batch with five different majors. More than hundred of us, hundreds of different sets of thinking. One man’s meat is another man’s poison. That’s why miscommunication can happen. And IT DID. *sighs*I think I can start recite a whole novel about how words can harm, especially when it’s just ourselves and the computer screen, behind the curtains of the Internet.
But let’s not go there.
We always welcome opinions and suggestions. Perhaps you don’t remember that after presentations, we open the floor for questions? Sam and I can still be reached through email or phone number. And I recall that Sam’s phone is even on a 24-hours service, even in toilet. Haha.
Gawd, this is absurd. I’m typing a sentence, deleting it again and again, ever since this little debate started two or three hours ago. I hope that I’ve answered your doubts and if I’m still being vague, drop me an email: dracolshian@gmail.com and I'll provide you more ‘insights’ LOL (and please leave your real name)
But the truth (like everyone said) is that now that it has been decided, we shall do our very best to achieve it.
Aiyoh, 10 more hours to finish my box. *eeks* See you guys tmr!