...Our exhibition started off with the theme of Senses, which we thought would be the best topic since all of us are designers to begin with. Senses, as we all know, affect our everyday life. For designers, we are more conscious in using senses to communicate and to inspire. Batch 55. 5ense5. Seems like a perfect marriage, isn't it?
...As all the members shared their brilliant ideas for a Senses exhibition, we realized there is so much to talk about senses and it has been hard to pinpoint what type of Senses exhibition that we should bring out for the audience.
...Nevertheless, most of us said similar things -- that our exhibition should be a showcase of our creative skills and also the experiences that we have gone through to make us the designers we are now.
...We learn and grow through experiences. Each of us has a story that is significant to us, whether it is the day we were born or the three years in TOA. The journey we have traveled so far determines who we are and what lies ahead. Many overlook the process of idea creation and judge a work by the final result.
...Therefore, using senses as an inspiration, we will each tell a story of our own in the limits of a box. The box represents the limitation that comes in the form of a project brief, society boundaries, work ethics, etc.
...We are always taught to ‘think out of the box’, but it is also a challenge to work within the frames of a box. Now is the time for us to showcase our versatility in thinking and creating, through more than 100 stories of ' A Journey'
LOL Daniel OPX really looked sexy wor... and Yee jenn as well. Good luck and all the best to batch 55. I'll miss you guys always.
hahaha....nice one
haha... kudos to the photographer(s) and also the volunteers who are sporting and fun to have around...
Batch 55, rock on!
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