Sunday, July 13, 2008


Being Donation Towards - DISASTER RELIEF FUND

sorry for very very very late post... our bath 55 was donated amount RM 4571.00 to SI CHUAN... thx guysss... which mean the total is RM 4571+ RM 1700 = RM 6271 ...
p/s : we hav no more balance for batch 55...

Friday, July 11, 2008

A Very Very Late Post

So, people still DO read our blog. That's great! *jumps*

I actually forgot about this, but luckily I was being reminded tonight, so I thought I'd do this now, before I forget again.

As you all know, we've donated our money to charity and this is a portion which is donated to the Szechuan Relief Fund via TOA's Care Project.

This is only RM1700 whereas the rest of the money, our treasurer donated it to the Szechuan/Myanmar Rescue Fund through newspapers organizers.

She will post on the blog the receipt of the donation as a proof that Batch 55 gave their all (LOL) to charity. Soon. I hope.

So, money aside.. How's everyone doing?
 I'm sure most of you either have a job, or working on your portfolio, or planning to further studies, or perhaps, decided to take a break...a REAL break, after the three ___________ (insert adjective yourself) years in TOA.

I'm still meeting some of the same ol' people in TOA, cos' if you wanna know, I'm a tutor in TOA. Don't ask me why, long story. Hahaha XD But I'm enjoying it here. I actually CAN sleep without worrying about assignments or TRY to finish them during the night/early morning. Hallelujah!

So, your turn!

(If you are reading this and you pity me for talking to myself AND you don't mind just dropping a hello, you can post your comments.)

Thanks, Baby Butterfly, for your previous comment!

Btw, our graduation ceremony is scheduled to 5 October 2008, Sunday (I think) and we will be graduating with Batch 58. That's a huge batch of people, I tell you. LOL

Anyway, just a notice from SRA that you guys can still email or send it your best artworks in JPEG for the college to display on screen during the ceremony

No, I'm not paid to do this :)

Anyhow, hope you guys are doing fine. I will be at TOA for some time if you wanna belanja me lunch or call me out for yumcha. *winks*

Saturday, June 7, 2008

For Charity

Hi Batch 55 (if you still read this blog),

A lot has been going on lately and most of us are busy with work already. This will be a short one, I promise.

Chatterbox is removed, as we no longer see its purpose now that our exhibition is over and done and there are rarely any updates. Some see it as a source of entertainment, some treat it as a vent-out/stress management site, while others just love to spam.

Moving on...

Yes, we ended exhibition a month ago, now what do we do with the leftover money (around 4k)?

Most of the committee members agreed that we donate the money to charity, especially the Sichuan / Myanmar donation fund. We'll put in the donation this coming week via TOA because they are having a charity drive as well.

Reasons to why donation is the best:

1. Charity causes.
2. If we organize a dinner/gathering, we will need a committee again. I doubt there are volunteers as a lot of us are already busy with work.
3. If we give back the money to everyone, will all of us have time to come back one-by-one for our share?
4. Besides, how much can be divided for 100 people with only 4k?
5. I can't think of a better way to handle the money, lest you can.

I know it's too late to wait for everyone's response, so decision was made just like that. If there's any disagreement/complaint about this method or why everyone was not informed earlier, blame it on me then.

So, that's the latest, and probably the last, update.

Thank you for being a part of Batch 55 and I really hope for the best for everyone. Good luck in your jobs and studies. Be proud of who you are and live life to the fullest!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Announcement from SRA

Graduation Ceremony Showcase

To make the Graduation Ceremony an enjoyable occasion for all, we would like to request your best artwork (6 designs) to be compiled for the presentation during the ceremony. Thes showcases will be pivotal in displaying the vast improvement you have achieved through your hard work and creativity.

Only artworkds in CS form will be aaccepted in the format as stated below:

Resolution : 72dpi
File format : jpeg or psd
Dimension : 800x600 pixel (landscape or portrait) RGB only

File format for Multimedia Student : Jpeg, Web or Video (720x 576 QuickTime High Quality and the bext 3 works already chosen by Siaw Weii)

Please summit your work to Ms Cassandra or Ms Bee Lim located at the Student Registration & Administration Counter located on the Ground Floor of the Main Building. Summissions are to be made before 15th July 2008 during working hours.

We look forward to your participation in this ceremony.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Thursday, May 1, 2008

PR Department
yo, it's Kevin here from PR.
here are some updates from us yah.

FOR USHERERS. here's ur position on the Exhibition Day

OPX (Leader)
Lee Ming (Assistant)
Lee Xin Xin
Tan Soo Hwa

Shea Leen (Leader)
Xydra Lau (Assistant)
Jing Yi
Chris Chung
Ning Li
Amanda Ling

Fadzil (Leader)
Shazwani (Assistant)
Li Sian
Ee Veen
Mohd. Helmy
Junn Tseng

Ang Thiam Guan (Leader)
Chan Evon
Lim Nee Nee
May Lew

Sound System
Jothan Chin (Leader)
Lee Kian Ming
Chew Chen Chuang

*no more walkway*

please arrive at 2pm yah....Stephen wants us to do a rehearsal or sumthing lidat...


7.00pm - Arrival of guests
7.30pm - Introduction video
7.35pm - President of Batch 55 speech
7.40pm - Va Nee speech
7.45pm - Opening ceremony
8.00pm - Refreshment
8.20pm - Gallery visit
9.30pm - End of exhibition

NO MORE white color code or stuff like that.....JUST WEAR smart casual, just like when you do presentation. ANY COLOR.

for GUYS
- formal top, NO shorts, NO slippers

- anything that looks decent and presentable. NO shorts.

then you all will be given a tag with Storybox's logo on it.

PS: Class representative who're reading this, please inform everyone about this, including the usherers that you know from the list. MUST INFORM THEM.

here's the poster for our exhibition, and i suggest everyone copy this poster and just post it anywhere, ur blog, frenster, facebook, msn, wherever u want!!!! xD

thank you. x)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Hello people!

This is a post for some "BEHIND THE SCENE" report.

We should all appreciate the effort that is made by committee to make things work. Expecially DTP and Art Direction. They really work like COW to meet all those deadline. You guys should know that all the 'invitation BOX' is hand made! and there's more than 50 (or even more). All done by them, cut and fold and stick....and they worked morning till late night. Then now, there's still posters and all, which is also another hand-made thingy. (mock up freakos)

Not only DTP and Art Direction la, there's still many other department that work really hard to make things work. Big thanks and great job to them!!!

A PengCheong



sneak preview of our poster!!

*didn't get all committee's picture la. but they do work as hard as them, tho there's no evidence la. LOL

Friday, April 25, 2008


Hello all,

Our theme is now called Storybox, Things in a Box remains as a secondary title. This is due to some displeasure expressed by the Academy's side about the Things in a Box theme.

The gallery setup will on the 2nd of May (Fri) and 3rd May (Sat). A schedule about the setup process will be up soon.

The website is just about done, and will be up before the 4th of May. Those who still need to pass up their refined ones as instructed by Stephen, do so by the 28th of April (mon)

Launch dress code: WHITE. Basically, wear the same thing as you did for your photoshoots.

    • Exhibition Event Timeline:

7.00pm - Arrival of guests

7.30pm - Introduction video

7.35pm - President of Batch 55 speech

7.40pm - Tatsun Hoi speech

7.45pm - Veronica speech

7.50pm - Opening ceremony

8.00pm - Refreshment

8.20pm - Gallery visit

9.30pm - End of exhibition

Emcee of the day = Jeevan

USHERERS and students, please be there by 5.30pm and stay back until 10pm for cleanup.


    • Name cards (Bring along during the box submission,100/200pcs, print name cards themselves, if cannot make it, then on Setup Day, 3/5)
    • Rationale ( not more than 100 words, submit to advisors and them pass to editorial, 25th April)
    • Box submission (28th April, K1 Classroom, before 6pm; make sure it's presentable...)
    • Walkway ( Art direction need volunteers pls do ask ur classmates)
    • Refined websites must pass to Hui Min by 28 April 2008

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Have You Seen My Owner?

I'm made out of 3 pieces of paper and i'm typed on New Times Roman font. I miss my owner dearly as i've good news to tell him (or her? I cant rmb, we were separated during birth T.T) that i've scored 38/40 for his/her review about WeiLing Gallery.

But as i recall, my owner was the first few batches of students who reached the gallery (as stated in the paper, i'm just reflecting where was i last seen =x) So that rules out the AD1 students (correct?..hehe)

If you've seen my owner please call May @ 016 970 8382. False identification will not be entertained as I believe Stephan has already marked everyone's marks in his notebook or something =)

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Hello all,

Just a friendly reminder that the deadline for the box submission is the 28th of April before 6pm. We will update you about how and where, etc. You will be passing up the box along with your namecards, so please print several as to the amount you'd like to put in.

Don't forget your rationales, type it out in word doc and pass it to your advisor. Advisors, i expect the cd of collected rationales on the 28th as well. EDIT: The word limit is 100 per rationale.

Have a good last week of term!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Dear Batch 55,

You'll be hearing news from your friends soon, if you haven't heard.
(Or perhaps you've already know.)

Here's what happened:

We had an urgent batch meeting today at 1.30 pm, Class I2.
For those who came, thank you for coming.
Those who didn't, you're not in any loss.
"Oh, I only know NOW that I've read this post."
Please understand that it was decided on a short notice and passed through word-of-mouth.

We've heard what was said in that room.
Each major has their final projects to stick to. (Your box is also a final project for GC, please remember.)
We've come to an understanding that more time is needed to produce quality work, based on the batch's progress of the boxes.
So now, you can carry on with your box execution until the last week before 5th of May (exhibition launch). But you must know that the extended dateline is to ensure that all students can get their work executed well enough for the exhibition.

The actual submission date has not been decided, but roughly 28th / 29th / 30th (April) or 1st May. Committee will have a discussion on that soon.

The box is still the corrugated box that you are using. Please take care of your 'babies' well.

We are going to add ways to make the box stronger. The idea suggested out in today's meeting is to get mount steel to fit into your box frame. But don't worry about this first. Again, committee will look through every possible way which works best for our exhibition. And as I have said many many many times, comments and suggestions are welcomed. Just don't go around cursing the box lah, okay?

We are creative artists trained for the commercial field. Instead of finding problems with the problem, we must challenge ourselves to solve it. Let's help each other in the final process for the exhibition. Seek help and give your helping hand, if anyone has problem's with their boxes.

So, next two weeks are Workshop week. This blog will be one of the main sources for GC Updates. And also, check your emails daily for updates from your advisors as well.


9th April 2008
- Workshop 1 (Wei Peow's group)

* Workshop 2 leader, See Chun, you're needed on this day as well, please come. Only leader ya?
- Submission of your refined portfolio Websites (compiled by Advisors)
* Including MM Students

12th April 2008
- Workshop 2 (See Chun's group)

16th April 2008
- Workshop 3 (May Wong's group)
- Submission of cover letter and resume

More updates coming soon.

To committee,
Next meeting is on 8th April, 6.30 pm, D2.
Let's do our best for our GC team mates.
Always look for the silver lining k? Eheh.
On a more serious note, attendance compulsory.

That's all for the current updates.

Thank you, dear committees whom have put in all their effort in this campaign.
And thank you, dear batch members who have shown support all these while.


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Hang In There...

Hi people,

It's me again. Your VP, Chrystal.

Perhaps you have been wandering around this blog for days, since last week, to check the latest GC updates. And, of course, in hopes for miracle...that we will extend ALL deadlines to another 4 more weeks. So we can all go without booklets, websites, and portfolios for the exhibition. Just the boxes and Batch 55.

I’m sorry to disappoint, but deadlines stay dead. So it seems like a few people have already shown their disagreement and disappointment. But they’ve chose to stay anonymous, so I’m not sure how to thank them. To those who feel they’re being treated unfairly or disappointment, please contain all the negative ‘chi’…and let me answer your questions without letting my boiling point explode.

As I’ve observed, tight deadline is the main issue that sparks this fiery conversation. Yes, we all have tight deadlines. The reason for the box to be submitted tomorrow is because that we have planned it so from the very beginning after the theme presentation. I’m not sure how to prove it to you that we’ve given the 5 weeks notice in advance in class, but I don’t think that’s the point you want to hear right? We all want to hear things that we want to hear.

Actually here are the reasons why we’ve made the submission of the box tomorrow:

- At least two weeks needed for offset printing of booklets. Need to test print, adjust to the right colours, double check everything. (Btw, printing for booklets needs RM 8000 - colour pages expensive).

- Which means, photography team needs to get photos of the boxes for the booklets a week earlier, so that Art Direction and DTP can arrange them into the booklets and get the Portfolio CD done.

- We have only another 4 weeks to the launching day.

Please do make out some calculations. Let us know if you’ve found way to push the deadlines without getting into the other exhibition processes. We’re more than happy if it could happen.

The change of box is due to the limit of time as well. Boxes are not satisfactory, we know, but with some positive attitude, don’t you want to know how well you can adapt to changes and still do the best you can? No one understands the deadline issue better than TOA students ourselves, isn’t it so? Then, this is already a training ground for us to face real situations.

And yes, we chose to commit to the committee that is voted by majority of the batch. (Didn’t the word ‘committee’ come from the root word ‘commit’?) Thus, we do feel defensive over things that we have poured our time and effort to ensure that our batch stands out and doesn’t get forgotten easily.

You can always come to Sam or me if you really really really can’t reach the datelines. Seriously, do Sam and I look that scary and unapproachable? If yes, then I think I must go for plastic surgery. O_o

We are all one batch with five different majors. More than hundred of us, hundreds of different sets of thinking. One man’s meat is another man’s poison. That’s why miscommunication can happen. And IT DID. *sighs*I think I can start recite a whole novel about how words can harm, especially when it’s just ourselves and the computer screen, behind the curtains of the Internet.

But let’s not go there.

We always welcome opinions and suggestions. Perhaps you don’t remember that after presentations, we open the floor for questions? Sam and I can still be reached through email or phone number. And I recall that Sam’s phone is even on a 24-hours service, even in toilet. Haha.

Gawd, this is absurd. I’m typing a sentence, deleting it again and again, ever since this little debate started two or three hours ago. I hope that I’ve answered your doubts and if I’m still being vague, drop me an email: and I'll provide you more ‘insights’ LOL (and please leave your real name)

But the truth (like everyone said) is that now that it has been decided, we shall do our very best to achieve it.

Aiyoh, 10 more hours to finish my box. *eeks* See you guys tmr!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Exhibition Images

So you can have a gist of what it's gonna look like. With thanks to the Exhibition Dept.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Individual Photo Shooting


I knew it's abit late to announce.
But due to the limit time we have, please bear with the condition and perform the best out of the least time :)

Okay. Art direction came out with the booklet layouts.
Basically, we're to document everyone's BOX, and as well as YOU yourself! *means photography needed*
So, there'll be one page with your BOX (which is the artwork inside) and YOU around the space outside the box. as well as contacts and rationale of your artwork.

Due to the lack of time, we need to do this as soon as possible. Everyone of us need to interact with the box and we will shot it, then later it'll be montage into our BOX, which makes as if we're standing right beside our BOX. Of course, not only standing, you could do whatever with the box, be creative!

still don't understand?

hope visuals help.


Everyone only could wear
WHITE top! pure plain WHITE! it could be WHITE shirt, WHITE t-shirt, WHITE tank tops.. anything, as long as it's PLAIN WHITE.
*if it's really so hard to get one plain WHITE top, a little bit of print is still acceptable, i mean, really a little bit. not more than 5cmx5cm.LOL, Seriously! if it's too big, it's very hard for us to clone one by one.

"I don't have ANY white tops!!!!"
well, then we'll prepare some Free sized blank white t-shirt, which... might not fits you that well if compare to your own outfits. so if you wanna look good in the booklet, do put some effort!

We don't have any make up artist or hair stylist! So, please be well presented as you wish, of course you could bring along make up to "touch up".

We have to do it in this WEEK.
here's the time table for every major!

*so sorry for the mistakes. the 9pm is suppose to be 9am! which is morning. No studio will be open after 6pm. so, everything starts from 9am till 6pm!

If you missed your time slot and didnt appear to the photography studio. Then, i'm so sorry but you won't be having YOU in your booklet page with your BOX. Same as BOX, if you don't pass up, we will still go on with the photography, and your BOX will not be in the booklet.

It's SERIOUS matter! so, please COME! COME!!!!! don't miss your turn!!!!
The location for the shooting is in STUDIO 2. (The 4th floor of BLOCK I, suppose to be upstairs of the print gate shop.)

Any problem please contact your advisers. or come find any of our photography team!

Thanks in advance for showing up in the STUDIO!

message from photography team

Friday, March 21, 2008

Box it Up!!

Previously there were TWO types now there's only ONE. So everyone has the same box now k? And that's one INCH btw, not one feet. So just cut out a frame like the picture says.

Remember, NO DESIGNS ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE BOX. Only on the insides. Pass up your box with the items you want inside of it.

Finger food served on launch day will be handled by May Wong.. Anyone who wants to help her do voice out!

Pardon the capitals, dears, but this is rather important. More updates soonish!

Your editorial asst, Li Sian.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

IMPORTANT. Each GC member must read!

Hello, Jeevan Of editorial here.

Firstly all members please note that :-

~Our title of our exhibition is 'Things In A Box'!

~Each person collect at least one used box(but still in good condition), at least as big as your hand, fingers included!, we cant use tiny boxes, big ones will be great too), whatever material, to be used as '3D posters' for our exhibition.
Bring it next week(Wed, 26th March)

~The final exhibition individual boxes will be given out next week, so you have only one week to execute it. No excuses. Start planning! and getting everything you need done.

~Each member must hand in their 'INDIVIDUAL EXHIBITION BOX' by April 2nd, 2008 (next next Wednesday)<[DEADLINE]
OR else, it won't be featured in the booklet.
-If anyone needs critique from Stephen, they can see him next week, bring concept board + ideas for materials.

Please read this carefully and tell your classmates and anyone else you think hasn't read the blog! Post it on you MSN or facebook shout out if you have to! Every GC member must know this.

Please follow the schedule that has been carefully set up, we literally have no time for mistakes or members who aren't cooperative.
Please check out this revised timeline you it is clear what you need to pass up on what days and just so you understand how little time we have left.



GC Class (Wednesday)




Exhibition box – idea development and execution

*Boxes will be handed out





Exhibition box






Workshop 1

Submission: Website

(*For MM students)

Submission: Best works for portfolio CD

Workshop 2




Workshop 3


Cover letter and resume




Exhibition preparation






Exhibition preparation

Exhibition setup in gallery

(*only two days)








Sunday, March 9, 2008

Field Trip (12th March @ Wei-Ling Gallery)

As you guys know, this wednesday would be our field trip day to Wei-Ling Gallery which is situated at Brickfields.

Below are the details you guys should already know :

Venue : Wei-Ling Gallery
(8, Jalan Scott, Brickfields, 50470 Kuala Lumpur)
Date : 12th March 2008
Time : All students are to be there latest by 1pm.
AD students the latest that Stephen said you can arrive would be 3pm

As William said last week, transportations to go there would be your own. But if you have problems getting one, pls call William @ 012-6041142 or Chee Kin @ 017-6067494

Stephen did mention too that this isn't compulsory for all to attend, HOWEVER, bonus marks would be given if you did =P

So cya guys there this wed and please be punctual =x

Request from Stephen: All students visiting the gallery must bring their cameras along. (edited on Monday, 7.58 pm)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Updates on Schedule.

Wei Ling gallery field trip forwarded to 12th March, 1.30pm to 4.30pm. AD students are allowed to come in latest by 3pm. Reminder that those who attend the outing will receive marks for GC.

Next Week (5th March) : bring you cover letter and resume, as well as webpage refinement progress.

12th March: webpage submission and field trip.

19th March: Sharing by invited guest.

26th March: Portfolio submission

9th April: Sharing by guest, will be a workshop divided into 3 days (9th, 12th and 16th Apr) and the batch will be divided into 3 groups designated to attend one of the dates.

Thursday, January 31, 2008


Hi, Jeevan Cian form the Editorial board here,

So its looks like our exhibition theme has finally been set.

For those still a little confused about the theme 'Senses', here's a recap of the slides on Wednesday.

There’s more to sense than what we already know about SENSE.

We all know that there are the five classical senses:


But there are other senses that we look past or don't notice in our everyday lives, such as:

So with that being said, our batch is going to leave our mark and let the audience experience something unexpected,
We aim to create an exhibition that defies the norm.
Exploring the world of senses in a new perspective.
Interactions with the audience.

The exhibition has the potential to be great everyone, its such a broad topic and we are only limited by our imaginations.
So if you have any ideas(no matter how 'out there') for our exhibition, the president and his vices will be happy to hear them! =)

To get some inspiration for ideas, here's a website that can help.

Friday, January 18, 2008


Hello Everyone,
Welcome back to school.
Here are some of the updates about our GC.

Firstly Marcus has stepped down as our beloved Marketing head and Ang Jen Sern has been promoted. We will sorely miss Marcus and his off beat humor but Jen Sern is a more than able replacement.

Our Exhibition will be held on the 5th of May! Eveyroen has to pull together to make it a success.

Also the committee is racking out brains to confirm an idea for the overall theme of exhibition people, if you have and decent ideas, please let your representative know.
We got to stand out people, we want to be remembered!

-Jeevan Cian-

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Isi Rimba Camp Photos update 3

Day 3

Next morning (3rd day) we're up n ready for the Obstacle Course but first (all learn lesson liau) EXERCISE!
Sam to demo for us ^^ (This pic sho cute
Those who participate in the course...
...and those who didnt

Our IsiRimba facilitators who demonstrate how one should walk on the log which, a big thx to Sam, the girls were exempted....hahaha

This was the 1st obstacle they had to pass through.

The 3rd obstacle

1st girl who went down... literally >.<

Shaza on the 3rd obstacle


Wani on the ropes

The facilitators purposely made it hard for the guys so they had to be like a sloth and get across the rope =x

Wani's outcome

Fuyoh, Sam!

Jeff also go try try...hehe

After the obstacle course, the best part awaits them at the end. As they say, the best for last? Abseiling!


Tsai Yen whi was afraid of heigts made it thru ^^



After the obstacle course, everyone went to get freshen up and the guys went for a dip in the river. Nick also go join them, to do what later? Catch fish!

See? got strategy one... like paint ball..haha

I seriously think this camp turned every guy there, gay =.=" or were they one in the beginning =P

See what i mean? =.="


Finally it was time to go home and leaving a heavy heart, we've a great time there, building up new friendships, learning new experience and also living the way our ancestors used to. Hehe. It was time to bid adieu to Isi Rimba not to mention thanking the facilitators there for taking care of us and also Wei Peow, Chris and the other committees for organizing this wonderful camp!

Goodbye Isi Rimba! Rest assured we will remember and probably come again one fine day ^^ Batch 55, signing out =)

p/s: There are more pictures actually but I guess this could sum up what we did there? The one that is lacking is the obstacle gadgets. Oh and not forgetting the video Marcus took of Sam =P

Isi Rimba Camp Photos update 2

Day 2

After a long good nights rest (which i think i hardly had =.=), everyone woke up completely freezing cold cuz of the morning weather. But today was the day that we were supposed to do our survivor jungle trekking which we would be alone with our team to set up a campsite by ourselves.

We started the day with a normal workout to relax our VERY sore muscles from the day before activities out
Only equipped with a very blunt parang (which my team would call tukul (hammer)), a Zippo lighter, a packet of rice, one very tiny salted fish, one biji potato and coffee + sugar.

Sam again to help out with the warming out.


While waiting for breakfast to be ready, we sorta had another game to play which was quite fun. This is how it works.

1) Everyone sits in a HUGE circle and someone would be walking outside the circle.
2) He/She taps the a person's head while walking and the person has to scream creating a hand wave from both direction.
3) When the waves stops at a person, he/she must scream and the 2 friends sitting next to him would have to stand up and run (one clockwise another anti-clockwise) to be seated back at their seats.
4) While the 2 is running, the inital person who tapped the head would take a seat in one of the empty seats.

Its something like Musical Chair, only much more challenging..haha

Tsai Yen running with her competitor

Lip Wei n See Chun got time to nego who to sit somemore, keng (As u can see, Eric got big butt, so he went and took the space instead...hahaha)

After that, we all went for breakfast (it was nasi lemak!) and proceed back to the assembly area. Then Encik Roselan begin the brief on the survivor jungle trekking. He taught us which plants are used for medical purposes (Daun Kapal Terbang and Kerongsong Nek -something-), edible (Pucuk Rebung, Pucuk Pakis) and also to teach us how to cut the bamboo as well as to make the roof for the hut.

Ya Ying demonstrating on the weaving of the leaves.

And so, our journey begins at around 10AM.





All the climbing and going on fours.

On fours at the bamboo area. Everyone had to becareful of the Daun Miang (Perverted Leaves?...LOL) that will make you itch and would have to brush it against ur hair (yes, hair) as it creates a static energy to remove the thorns.



Can someone tell me what Jeff is doing? o.o

See the leaves in the bamboo which Tsai Yen is carrying? Those are the Daun Miang.


Clearing the campsite.

Everyone had trouble starting the fire...=P

Those who never see a leech before, THIS IS HOW IT LOOKS LIKE!

Cleaning the campsite.

Okay, so after all the building of gadgets and the fire, we've finally finished the activity around 6PM and the RAIN came pouring down on us. This time we had to make a stretcher and carry one of our member through the river and back to the campsite. No one was left dry, seriously. =P

Soon it was night time and everyone bathe and had the BEST dinner at that camp (Chicken patty and hotdog with Black pepper/tomato/chili sauce, coleslaw, cob of a corn, fried mihun and fried rice. YUMMY! ^^)

Then it was the Campfire activity that was after dinner. Oh they returned back our handphones and wallet n car keys during dinner too =P

Sing-Along with Jeff
Wani, Shea Leen, Chris
Nick explaining the "Somor? Har?" Game ( i think)

After the games, we went to have our last night sleep in the jungle while it rained.